I couldn't see and I didn't hear.
The only voice I heard was Rocky's voice.
And he was yelling like a stuck pig.
I spelled that out for the committee,
didn't I? As plain as my own name?
Yes, you were beautiful.
That's why Marvin and Ralphie are going
to be with you from now until September.
Just to make sure
you don't change your mind.
Look, Otto...
Otto, I don't want these torpedoes
hanging around my place.
Do I make myself clear?
Well, let me put it this way, Willy.
Rocky Virgil used to talk a lot like you.
Joie, come here.
Here, put this on.
Now listen, Joie,
I want you to take it nice and easy in there.
It's not like we're trying to win
the Olympics from the Russians every time.
You make me laugh. You're always worried.
What you worried about?
How do you want me to work him?
Easy. Keep sticking him. Easy. That's all.
This sort of thing a kid like you
shouldn't do, unless you've got two heads.
Which I ain't sure you ain't got.