Kid Galahad

You get Lew on the phone and
ask him if it's all right if we come back now.

Is that you, Dolly?
- Did you have to sneak up on me?
- You know me, Dolly...

- always minding the store.
- Yeah.

- We missed you, Dolly.
- Thank you, Max.

The same nice families
keep coming up and they all ask:

- "How's Dolly?"
- That's very nice.

Anytime you want to leave
that hooligan down the road...

your old job's waiting for you right here.
I think you know better than that, Max.
It's love, huh?
Well, if that's the right word for it, yes.
I met him right here.
Right here, three summers ago.

It's no different now?
Why kid myself?
It's still just like a ride on a rocket,
whenever he's nice to me.

That young soldier,
they expect to make a fighter out of him?

I imagine they will.
Over somebody's dead body.

Very likely his own.
What's he expect to find in there?
John L. Sullivan?

It's kind of a surprise.
Something I saw earlier.

- Saw what?
- You'll see.

Oh, you mean that thing?
I'll show you. Come on.
Grab a hold of the other one.
- Get out of here.
- Why not?

For two bucks, right down the road...
you can hire a horse, that's why not.
We don't need no horse, Lew.
Come on, let's pull it down.
I want to show you something.

All right, Galahad. Boy, I'm telling you...
Wait a minute.
I'm telling you,
you're not gonna get that thing out of there.

Go down the road, get the horse.
I'll tell you what: Let's try one more time.
If it don't go, we'll get the horse. Okay?

All right, pull.
Horses, huh?
