sort of helps out sometimes.
She just happened to drop by this morning.
Well, I'm very glad to have met you,
Miss Grogan.
Very nice meeting you.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing. It's love in bloom.
Goodbye. I've watched it bloom before.
Look, Dolly,
this may seem funny to you, but...
the kid doesn't know about us.
I gathered that much. I can even quote you.
"Rose, this is Miss, what's her name.
"She just happened to drop
by this morning."
Were you so scared
you couldn't remember my name?
- Dolly...
- What is there to know about us, anyway?
Am I a lady barber or something?
They've got sex in the Bronx, too,
so what's the mystery?
I'm trying to tell you.
She's only a baby. A protected baby.
Oh, come off it. Babies aren't built like that.
And besides...
if you're such a blue-nosed Puritan
about your sister...
then just forget it.
I didn't know she was coming up here,
- I just wasn't prepared.
- I know.
You're not prepared for a lot of things.
I'm beginning to get the idea.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, ma'am.
It's all right. I don't scare easily.
- I was looking for Mr. Grogan.
- He's in the kitchen.
Do you work here?
Well, kind of. I more or less get dirtied up
around the place.
- Are you a fighter?
- Not really.