That's right, like in the storybook.
You know, it's romantic,
and they'll love him on TV.
Available to you for $1,000.
Well, if you're in a jam, Jerry, I'll let him go
for $750, but not a quarter less.
Albany was always a fair city.
That's right. One week from tonight.
You've got a deal.
Who's he supposed to fight in Albany?
Oh, just some clown.
I'll talk to you about it later.
Wait, let's talk about it now. What clown?
Ezzard Bailey.
Ten rounds at the Capital Casino.
- Willy, how can you do a thing like that?
- Lay off, Lew.
The kid's never had a professional fight
in his life and you know it.
And Ezzard Bailey is no clown.
All right, so I get 33.3%.
It just so happens I can use the money.
Why do you both
have to look at me like that?
He should feel this happy coming back.
- This thing don't ride bad, does it?
- So did Fulton's steamboat.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Suppose somebody sees me in this thing?