ten rounds of boxing...
conducted under the rules of the
New York State Athletic Commission.
Introducing, from the East Side
of New York...
weighing 181 pounds...
wearing black trunks...
Ezzard "Bobo" Bailey!
And his opponent, wearing white trunks,
at 180 pounds...
that promising young newcomer...
from Cream Valley, New York...
Kid Galahad!
- He should be arrested.
- Who?
Your brother, naturally.
He's responsible for this.
And now giving instructions,
your referee, Tommy Hart.
All right, boys.
We've already covered the instructions
in the dressing rooms.
So if there's no questions...
I want you to shake hands now,
go to your corners, and come out fighting.
Now, cover up your head once in a while.
Like I told you,
it's not a disgrace to block a punch.
Good luck, Kid.
Grab him!
Galahad, grab him!
Willy, I'm telling you,
I can't stand to watch this much longer.
Excuse me. Must've slipped down.
Sure. One more slip like that
and he'll bury you.
Five, six, seven...
eight, nine... All right.