- Hey, Galahad!
- What?
- Hello, Lew.
- You coming to the picnic with us?
Nope. I'm going in that.
In that?
First time I've had her on the road
since her new paint job, Lew.
I thought I'd give this picnic
some real class, you know?
Well, if Rose don't mind looking like
she's sitting in a can of ripe tomatoes...
you know, why not?
All right, we'll see you there.
Why did she have to go off
in that beet-juice jalopy with him?
You're asking me?
She could've gone with Maynard and Lew,
couldn't she?
Willy, when you're 21
and you look like Rose...
you don't have to ride
with Lew and Maynard.
What's that supposed to mean?
You want diagrams?
- Now look, Dolly...
- That's just what I'm going to do.
Look at Maynard's corned beef.
I promised I'd put a low flame under it.
Mr. Grogan?
- Mr. Grogan?
- That's right.
My name is Frank Gerson.
I'm a guest of Lieberman's.
What can I do for you?
I also happen to be one of the assistant
District Attorneys for Manhattan.
That's a great help to everybody.
We've got nothing to talk about.
I doubt that.
New York's as curious as Washington
about Otto Danzig.
Sorry. I never knew the answers
in the first place.
If you don't know
who did that job on Rocky...
why are these imported hoodlums
sitting on your front doorstep...
twenty-three and a half hours every day?