Kid Galahad

Come on, let's do it again, Galahad.
We're just getting warm.

You get any warmer,
you're gonna melt the guitar.

That fight that Mr. Lieberman
and the others...

were talking about
for the Labor Day weekend?

I mean, what's the point of it?
What do you mean, for me,
or for the Chamber of Commerce?

For you, of course.
Well, it means a lot of money.
Do you want to fight?
Get all banged up again,
like you fell down three flights of stairs?

- Is that what you want?
- Nope.

Then don't do it. Tell them no.
Well, there's only one thing wrong with that.
I wouldn't get the money.

- Who cares?
- Me. I care.

I need it. I've made plans.
You think I did all right?
You cooked this great. It cuts real fine.
Let's get one thing settled, Lew.
Exactly what time was it
when you saw Rose leave the picnic?

I told you before. 6:30, 6:45, 6:50...
I didn't make a note of it.

What's all the commotion about?
She was with Galahad, wasn't she?

I know who she was with.
And I'll tell you something else I know...

it's 8:40.
- Could she be safer with the FBI?
- Which way were they going?

I told you that before, too.
Back toward the village.

You're sure?
Man, how could anybody in our racket
not recognize that jalopy?

- It's the same color as a bloody nose.
- Very funny. How would you like one?

Little father.
Few things I wanted to finish
before Lew puts me back in training.

Mr. Prohosko doesn't mind
you coming in here like this...

- and using the place after hours?
- Mind?
