They did attack Medina.
And the Turks made mincemeat of them.
We don't know that.
We know that they didn't take it.
A storm in a teacup, a sideshow.
In my opinion, this whole theatre
of operations is a sideshow.
The real war's being fought against
Germans, not Turks.
Not here, but on
the Western front in the trenches.
Your Bedouin Army,
or whatever it calls itself...
...would be a sideshow of a sideshow.
Big things have small beginnings, sir.
Does the Arab Bureau
want a big thing in Arabia?
Does the bureau think they'll sit down
under us when this war is over?
The bureau thinks the job of
the moment, sir, is to win the war.
Don't tell me my duty, Mr. Dryden.
-Lawrence, sir.
-Send him in.
Good morning, sir.
If you're insubordinate,
I shall put you under arrest.
-It's my manner.
-Your what?
My manner. It looks insubordinate,
but it isn't.
I can't make out whether you're
bad-mannered or just half-witted.
-I have the same problem, sir.
-Shut up.
The Arab Bureau thinks you
would be of use to them in Arabia.
Why, I can't imagine.
You can't perform
your present duties properly.
" I cannot fiddle, but I can make
a great state from a little city."
-Themistocles, sir.
-A Greek philosopher.
-I know you've been well-educated.
It says so in your dossier.
You're the kind of creature
I can't stand, Lawrence.
But I suppose I could be wrong.
All right, Dryden.
You can have him for six weeks.
Who knows? It might even
make a man of him. Come in!
Yes, what is it?
The convoy will be in
Port Said tomorrow night.
-Is that certain?
-Yes, sir.
There doesn't seem to be
any artillery.