As I walk along the Bois de Boulogne
With an independent air
You can hear the girls declare
He must be a millionaire
I'm the man who broke the bank
At Monte Carlo
Hey, you!
-I've been waiting for you.
-Did you know I was coming?
I knew someone was coming.
Feisal told me.
How did he know?
Not much happens within 50 miles
of Feisal that he doesn't know.
I'll give him that. No escort?
My guide was killed
at the Masturah Well.
-No, an Arab.
Bloody savages.
-This is Wadi Saf ra, isn't it?
-Yes, they're over there.
Just a minute.
What's your name and who sent you?
Lawrence. I've been seconded
to the Arab Bureau.
What are you to do
for the Arab Bureau?
Well, it's rather vague, sir.
I'm to appreciate the situation.