Recite, then, as much of the Koran
as may be easy to you.
God knoweth that there be
some among you sick...
...while others travel through the
Earth in quest for the bounties of God.
Others do battle in His cause.
Recite, therefore,
as much as may be easy.
And observe the prayers.
This will be best and richest
in the recompense.
Seek ye the forgiveness of God.
Verily, God is forgiving, mercif ul--
Greetings, Ali.
-My lord.
-Sherif Ali.
Lieutenant Lawrence, you have met
Sherif Ali, I think.
Yes, my lord.
And now, Selim, "The Brightness."
" By the noonday brightness...
...and by the night
when it darkeneth...
...thy Lord hath not forsaken thee...
...neither hath He been displeased.
And surely the future shall be better
for thee than the past."
"And in the end shall your Lord be
bounteous to thee...
...and thou be satisfied."
Yes, colonel.
-I want a decision, sir.
-You want me to fall back on Yenbo.
Well, you're not doing
much good here, sir.
I'm sorry to rub it in, sir,
but we can't supply you here.
You could supply us through Aqaba!
If you can get ahold of Aqaba,
we can supply you.
-But you can't!
-You could.
You mean, the navy?
The Turks have 12-inch guns
at Aqaba, sir.
Can you imagine what that means?