Sherif, I caught them.
They have tracked us.
They were here. I caught them.
Why are you here? Boy!
To serve Lord Lawrence, sherif.
This is true, Lawrence.
They do wish it.
You have been tracking us.
-You were told to stay.
-No, sherif.
Our camel strayed. We followed her.
She led us here to be
Lord Lawrence's servants.
-It is the will of Allah.
Don't do that.
No, Lawrence, these are not servants.
These are outcasts, parent-less.
Be warned. They are not suitable.
They sound very suitable.
You can ride with the baggage.
These are not servants.
These are worshippers.
One shilling, every week?
That is fair.
-That is too much.
-All right.
They will be lucky for you.
Allah favours the compassionate.