That's what I've told them anyway.
That's what they think.
-That's why they're fighting.
-Oh, surely.
They've only one suspicion.
That we'll let them drive the Turks
out and then move in ourselves.
I've told them that that's false,
that we have no ambitions in Arabia.
Have we?
I'm not a politician, thank God.
Have we any ambition
in Arabia, Dryden?
Difficult question, sir.
I want to know, sir,
if I can tell them in your name...
...that we've no ambitions in Arabia.
2000 small arms, not enough.
I need five.
Money. It'll have to be sovereigns.
They don't like paper.
-Instructors for the Lewis guns.
More money.
-How much more?
-25, 000 now. A lot more later.
-It can be done, sir.
A couple of armoured cars.
Field artillery.
I'll give you every
blessed thing I can...
...because I know you'll use it.
Thank you for your hospitality,