Lawrence of Arabia

Major Lawrence is in charge
of all this, is he?

My army is made up of tribes.
The tribes are led
by the tribal leaders.

Your people do think very highly
of Major Lawrence?

Oh, yes. And the rightly.
In this country, Mr. Bentley...
...the man who gives victory
in battle is prized...

...beyond every other man.
One figure I can give you
f rom my head...

...because it never leaves my head.
Since starting this campaign
four months ago, we have lost...

...37 wounded...
...156 dead.
You remark the disproportion between
our dead and wounded.

Four times as many.
That's because those too badly wounded
to bring away, we ourselves kill.

We leave no wounded for the Turks.
-You mean...?
-We leave no wounded for the Turks.

In their eyes, we are not
soldiers but rebels.

Rebels, wounded or whole, are
not protected by the Geneva Code...

...and are treated harshly.
How harshly?
More harshly than I hope
you can imagine.

I see.
Our own prisoners are taken care of
until the British...

...can relieve us of them,
according to the Code.

-I should like you to notice that.
-Yes, sir.

Is that the influence
of Major Lawrence?

Why should you suppose?
It's just that I heard
in Cairo that...

...Major Lawrence has
a horror of bloodshed.

That is exactly so.
With Major Lawrence,
mercy is a passion.

With me, it is merely good manners.
You may judge which motive
is the more reliable.

-And now, perhaps....
-Oh, sure, sure.
