Before we start?
All righty.
No, no, listen...
...let's have a game, a little lovely game
of Roman Ping-Pong...
...like two civilized senators.
Roman ping....
You're supposed to say, "Roman pong."
Okay, you serve. I don't mind.
I just don't mind.
Come on.
Bet you didn't know I had that.
Roman Ping-Pong.
Kind of tricky serve to handle, Captain?
Kind of tricky.
One of the champs taught me that.
My motto is: "Be prepared."
Say, you Jack Brewster? Are you?
You know who I am.
What's that? That's 3...3-love.
I'm really winning,
you want to get a rally going there.
You know, I'm not accusing you, Captain,
but it's sort of absurd...
...the way people invade this house,
without even knocking.
...change service. I'll take the serve again,
if you don't mind.
I sort of like to have it up this end,
you know.
They use the telephone.
What's that? That must be....
I'm really winning here. I'm really winning.
I hope I don't get overcome with power.
That's about...6-1 maybe...
...let's say 6-1, no 6-2,
I'll give you another point...
...6-2, but I'm still winning.
You really don't remember me, do you?