You're most welcome.
Well, this is what you get
because you won't dance.
Hi, Humbert.
-I'm sorry that I don't dance.
-That's all right.
I don't like dancing either very much.
Did you know that?
It's a funny thing, Humbert, but John and l,
we first met at a dance...
...and I was sort of sitting it out,
so he just sat it out, too.
That's very romantic.
Hi, Dad.
Mona, baby.
-How are you doing?
...don't tell Charlotte that I told you this,
will you...
...but did you know that you've had
the most remarkable effect on her?
-Did you know that?
-I have?
I know it's none of my business, but...
...she's begun to radiate a certain glow.
I hardly think that has anything
to do with me.
Humbert, when you get to know me better,
you'll find I'm extremely broad-minded.
In fact, John and l,
we're both broad-minded.
Hey, you two, cut that out.
I'm so thirsty.
Let's all have a little punch now.
That's a good idea.
-There aren't any clean cups anymore.
-I'll get some from another table.
Thank you, Humbert.
Jean, your Mona looks simply enchanting
in that cloud of pink.
She's certainly becoming
a mature young lady, isn't she?
Yes. Where does the time go?
Do you know this summer
she'll be a junior camp counselor?
No, that's simply wonderful.
Are you sending her
to that Camp Climax again?
Of course.
We've done it every summer,
since she was ten.
It gives Jean and me a chance
to catch up on our homework.