You should be careful with those things.
It's not loaded.
That's what they all say,
"I didn't know it was loaded."
This is a sacred weapon.
It's a tragic treasure.
Mr. Haze purchased it
when he found out he was ill.
He wanted to spare me
the sight of his suffering.
Happily or unhappily,
he was hospitalized before he could use it.
Will you put it down, please?
Thank you.
That's better now, isn't it?
Oh, you man!
...you know...
...l have a most ambitious fantasy.
What's yours?
I would love to get hold of
a real French servant girl...
...you know, like the German girls
the Farlows had...
...and have her come and live in the house.
No room.
We could put her in Lo's room.
I've been meaning to make a guest room
out of that hole, anyway.
And where, pray...
...will you put your daughter...
...when you get your guest or your maid?
You know, I've decided
to send her straight from camp...
...to a good boarding school...
...with strict religious training...
...and then on to college.
Darling, it's going to be you
and me alone...
...forever now.
Darling, you've gone away.
Just a minute, darling,
I'm following a train of thought.