Mondo cane

as they are an example
of good eating manners.

Along with the tribal chiefs,
the dogs enjoy a special
treatment too.

lt's maybe some sort
of gentle feeling,

something unexpected
among so much cruelty,

so, we'd be happy
for having discovered it.

Or maybe, these are just
the dogs of the chiefs.

Then we wouldn't have
discovered anything new.

But the country
where compassion for dogs

goes beyond the limits of
human imagination is America.

We are in the canine
cemetery of Pasadena,

in the outskirts of Los Angeles.
The same that inspired
Evelyn Waugh's famous book.

lt's one of those
windy and sunless days

when the sky of California
turns to the color of despair.

Here, the memory of
the deceased, all of them,

is so happy, and this
place is yet so pathetic,

that we could shed a tear or two
over the small graves

of these venerable creatures.
Over their dead ancestors,
these dogs behave in a way

that only to human standards
is irreverent.
