At Taipei,
in the Formosa island,
dogs receive a different
kind of attention.
They are selected,
raised with extreme care,
made fat, and they get cooked
following old and complex
recipes, for the joy of
a large public of gourmets.
Such restaurants, where the
customers can directly choose
from the cage,
the most appetizing pet,
are extraordinarily
popular all over China.
ln these areas, people are very
fond of Dachshunds, Poodles,
Boxers, Great Dane cubs,
but, usually they have
a preference for the Chow-chow,
those very cute dogs
also appreciated
for their intelligence
and their faithfulness.
ln Rome, when Easter
is approaching,
hundreds and hundreds
of chicks are immersed
in a colored bath and locked up
to dry in a 50 degree oven.