Mondo cane

Here, where drinking
beer is unknown,

they resort
to the use of tapioca,

a starch that has more or less
the same fattening qualities

as potatoes.
We are at Tabar,
the largest island

of the Bismarck Archipelago,
where, by tradition, the most
beautiful women of the tribe

are locked up in strong cages
similar to those we've seen
in Strasbourg to fatten geese

and they get filled
with tapioca

until they reach
at least 1 20 kilos.

Then, they will be
offered as wives

to the village's dictator,
Utame Alunda,

famous all over the islands
for his physical power

and his odd personality.
The fattening process
goes from 3 to 6 months,

meanwhile, Utame Alunda
didn't remain idle.

These are some of his most
recent children,

that he loves to show to
the foreigners in this dance,

as a proof of his virility.
This is his last spouse:
eight children and
one hundred thirty kilos.

This is his favorite wife.
Ten children and 150 kilos.
And this is
the great chief Alunda:

27 children and 34 kilos.
The American woman, instead, if
she wants to be a lucky lover,

needs to lose weight.
We are in Los Angeles, in one
of the many Vic Tanny gyms,
