Catching man eaters is
the only resource in Raiputh,
a village on the Malay coast.
Fishermen who were disabled
by the sharks' bites
pile up in the sun
dried fins on the beach.
They will sell them
to rich Chinese communities,
where they are thought to have
a strong aphrodisiac power.
Every day in Raiputh,
a fisherman doesn't come back,
or returns in this condition.
But the village is poor and the
Chinese pay well for their vice.
So the sacrifice goes on.
The only alternative to despair
and pain is revenge.
Today there has been
another victim.
ln these waters,
a 1 2-year-old boy
has been devoured by a shark.
Today the fishermen of Raiputh
give up their prey.
They give it back to the sea
with a poisoned sea-urchin
stuck in its throat.
lt will suffer at least
for one week before it will die.