ln the Roman cemetery
of the Capuchins,
death has been assigned
a decorative task.
A few centuries ago,
maybe the monks wanted
to give this place
a sense of immortality.
ln spite of its gruesome
results, this work shows
a certain sense of beauty, which
is always motivated by love.
Love that survives death,
death that survives love.
Still in Rome,
on the Tiberina island,
the ''Red Sacks'' brotherhood
keeps carrying out its mission.
The ''Red Sacks'' brotherhood
started around the 1600's
upon the initiative
of some Romans who,
during the plague, wanted
to bury the abandoned bodies
of the poor and the unknown.
after so many centuries,
the ''Red Sacks'' still look
after their mortal remains,
the sole but eloquent evidence
of the old compassion.
Protecting the bones
from the ravages of the time
is the task of some local
families who gather here
once a week on Fridays
to work and to pray.