ln Paris, in one of the most
respectable modern art stores,
we recognized the remains
of an old Ford,
whose name was changed
into a charming
''Esprit de la Carrosserie'',
''Spirit of Chassis''.
The price:
half a million francs.
The Czech painter
Yves Klein is ready.
Music gave him the thrill.
These models, covering
themselves with paint,
are the human brushes
that soon Klein will use
to turn his creative
fever into art.
You may have guessed, by now,
that Klein's favorite
color is blue.
Moreover, blue is his only form,
his only color.
Blue like his pictures that sell
like hot cakes in Paris.
Blue like the event that
our camera is approaching,
which most venerable critics
consider as the utmost
Klein masterpiece,
whose dominant color,