My darling Peggy,
by the time you read this...
I'll be in an urn
at Woodlawn Memorial Park Cemetery.
So let me make it clear
from the very beginning...
that notwithstanding
what I may say here and now...
I loved you to the end
and with all my heart.
With all my heart. Paragraph.
Please don't think I was hasty.
I was just like any other normal,
red-blooded American gopher...
who works in a big city.
Living underground
most of the time...
naturally, I liked the idea
of a little fresh air.
- Paragraph?
- Paragraph.
This is simply to explain to you...
why, after last month...
you never again
were able to suck me in...
to another gay, happy,
carefree vacation...
with the family
may God bless and keep
each and every one of them...
Even now, there is no man alive...
who believes more devoutly than I do...
that the family is the rock...
upon which civilization is built.
But speaking to you now
from beyond the grave...
let me say to you, frankly...
that I had rather stay on
as a gopher...
than be trapped with my family...
for a whole month in the same house.
I also agree heartily
with all modern authorities...
that there is no more
sacred obligation in life...
than a lasting communication
between parents and children.
But from now on, I'm going to see
if I can't manage mine by long distance...
and the longer, the better.
- Paragraph?
- No paragraph.
It's not that I don't love them,
you understand.
It's just that the day finally arrives when
a man simply hasn't got the strength...