- Good night, sweetie.
- Good night.
Oh, my. Oh, the pump.
All right.
Where is the pump? Uh
Must be over there.
A hush falls over the crowd...
as Hobbs's shrewd eyes
take in the intricacies...
of the complicated machine...
at a glance.
Then his strong, skillful fingers...
as sensitive as those of a surgeon...
make their first sure contact
with the key valve.
"Open green intake valve...
"and close red return valve.
"And open green supply valve
and close red supply valve.
Throw in a bucket of water."
A bucket of water.
Step by step...
with never a false move
or moment ofhesitation...
he moves relentlessly
toward another triumph...
in the never-ending struggle...
of man versus machine.
And now