Tombstone Rai
Oh, I don't know.
You know what this country needs?
D- Do you know what this country needs?
An un-Edison.
An un-Thomas A. Edison.
He can uninvent things.
You know the first thing
I'd have him uninvent? Television.
That's an amusing idea, of course,
but, uh
Oh, what it would reveal
about you to a psychiatrist.
Yeah, yeah.
Thanks a lot, Professor.
- Well, all right now
- Good night.
- No, honey, please.
- I don't feel well, Dad.
I knowJustWould you
- What's the matter with her?
- Oh, just the same as with you
and Janie at her age.
- New braces.
- Poor kid.
Yeah. New braces. Let's raise our glasses
and drink a little toast to the family.
- The roast!
- Couldn't you wait a second?
- I'll be right back. It'll take a minute.
- I know, but could you wait
- Are you all well again now?
- Oh, sure.
- I hate to go on without her.
- In fact, we're gonna try and
have another one right away.
You're gonna try and have
What? What did you say?
We're gonna try and have
another baby right away.
Well, that's the first time
I ever heard that one in the parlor.
Well, psychologists have pretty well agreed
that closely spaced children...
promise the minimum
of intra-familial friction actually.
- He kills me the way he says,
"Let's turn 'em out fast."
- Uh-huh. Yeah.
WellWell, to what's left
of the family.
Could we have a little
- Listen, dear.
- That's him, all right.
- Well, couldn't we just
- You want me
Not unless you want to change him.
That's one thing
I'm not gonna even try to learn.
- Well, uh, uh
- Will you pour me another one?
- Sure. Sure.
- With all these false starts, l
Yeah, I know.
This didn't seem difficult
when I thought of it.
You know, one little drink for
a few people sitting around a room
But they can't be having this much trouble
putting our man on the moon.
But look,
let's sort of close forces here...
and let's have a little drink
to the family, huh?
- Hey!
- Peter, dear. Oh!
Just take it easy there.
- Look, darling, let's play with Flopsy again.
- I don't like Boompa!
How do you think I feel about it?
Is this the best you can do
for your own father? Boompa?