Geez Hey! Now, look,
let's not overdo this thing!
Come here to Mother.
It's all right. Don't worry.
- I hate Boompa!
- Well
Would you excuse me?
I think you oughta take a firmer stand on this
Don't anybody touch her.
She's all right. She's scared.
Here, darling. That's all right.
Play with this.
It's all right, baby.
Didn't I tell you to stop that? And when I
tell you something, young man, I mean it.
- This stuff costs money.
- I'll take him.
You wanna throw things on the floor,
throw your own stuff.
It's all right, darling.
Boompa didn't mean it.
Yes, Boompa did mean it too!
He meant every damn word of it.
Somebody's gotta straighten this kid out
when he gets out of line.
If you don't mind, Dad
I hate to say this It is your house
We don't believe
in saying "no" to the children.
According to all modern psychologists,
saying "no"leads to neuroses.
It can also lead to bankruptcy,
too, if he breaks enough stuff.
What we do is put all the ashtrays
and other breakables out of their reach...
like on the mantelpiece.
If I want to smoke in this house,
I have to stand beside the mantelpiece?
Well, maybe Susan does
carry it a bit too far at times
Susan carries it no further
than Susan has been advised to carry it.
All I know is that I smoked sitting down
when you kids were little...
and none of you have gone crazy yet.
I only meant that under certain circumstances,
when other people are disturbed...
we could afford to be
a little flexible about it!
You know so much more than the men who
have devoted their lives to child psychology...
I don't see why you don't go
into the business yourself.
You mean that's better than nothing.
As usual, you put your own construction
on anything I say!
Well, now, Susan, we don't have to
make a big thing out of this.
You don't have to remind me of my position.
I assure you, I never forget it for a second.
You bet you don't!
Don't think for one second either that
I'm not sick of your reminding me of it!
- You want me to take him?
- Oh, I do not! Give me that doll!
- Susan! Susan.
- This has nothing to do with you, Dad!
- I'm kind of in the dark about this whole thing.
- Oh, stop pretending!
- I'm not a child!
- I don't know what you're talking about,
either one of you.