Well, they were two little honeys,
weren't they?
- Well, they're not dead, darling.
- Not technically, no.
- I know.
- Just "bye-bye, kids."
Oh, now, Rog, really,
you're just being maudlin.
And as for those
two fellas down thereĀ
I'm scared to death I'll run into them someday
on the street without their wives...
and won't even recognize them!
Stan's the one who needs the haircut.
Do you realize that I've seen
Mr. Stanley Carver...
exactly three times
in my whole life before today?
The next time I saw him after meeting him
for five minutes in Cleveland was at the altar.
"The dark one on the left,"
somebody said.
And I gave my own flesh-and-blood daughter
to this complete stranger.
"The dark one on the left."
That's what we call "marriage," Rog.
I'll bet I know 150 guys better than that,
including my barber.
Netta Nickerson's never
even seen her son-in-law.
Julie married him in Las Vegas
at the Wee Kirk of the Cactus.
It doesn't make any difference. I can't ever
think of anything to say to him anyway.
Now you're just being absurd.
No. Once we've found out how each other's
getting along, we're both dead.
I know you haven't got
much in common with him...
but couldn't you at least
ask him about his work?
Well, honey,
what can you possibly ask a biophysicist?
I wouldn't know whether
I was pronouncing it right even.
Very well then,
since we're strictly off the record...
how do you like these apples?
You can have my share of Byron too.
Bless your wicked little heart.
Did you ever see such a windbag?
You know,
I was talking to him one night...
and I suddenly realized
I was apologizing to him...
for not hating my mother.
What are we going to do, Rog?
All right. Now, look, honey.
I read somewhere once that you can't
live anybody's life but your own...
and you're nuts to try to.
I'll bet that goes for families too...