How'd we get
Little Mary Sunshine back?
She kept changing to the wrong train...
and finally wound up here
again this morning.
The doctor said
she had a liver like a watermelon!
There's still a little seepage,
but if the stitches hold out...
she's gonna take Betty
to the teenage dance.
- What teenage dance?
- Who is this?
You said something about a teenage dance.
Where's it being held?
At the Yacht Club, of course.
May I ask who this is?
This is your very good friend
Roger Hobbs speaking...
and I'm very grateful to you, madam.
Thank you. Hey!
Hey, Peg, Katey! The fleet's in.
So there was nothing—
Oh, excuse me, please.
Take it easy, honey.
You're the prettiest girl here.
Wanna bet?
Now look around.
A lot of'em got braces. Boys too.
Delighted to see you here, Hobbs.
- I'm McHugh, commodore here.
- How do you—
- Haven't we met someplace before?
- Yes.
The bankers' convention in Chicago
two years ago. I'm with First National.
Oh, I remember. This is Mrs. Hobbs.
Commodore McHugh.
- How do you do?
- Charmed, Mrs. Hobbs.
- And our daughter Katey.
- Delighted, Miss Hobbs.
- Thank you very much for arranging this.
- The pleasure is ours.
We can't have too many pretty giris
at these dances.
May I have the honor
of dancing you to a younger partner?
Thank you.
Rather nice-looking, isn't he?
Oh, Phil! Phil. Phil, this is Katey.
Katey, this is Phil.
Now, what are you gonna do about it?