Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation

All right, now, attention.
At the third stroke
of the bass drum...

I want each of you giris to go
and find a boy to dance with you.

All right, Artie!
Well, now, look, what's she
doin' there standin' like a dope?

She's looking at one now, isn't she?
Wanna dance?
Dance? Okay.
Holy Moses, this one's a pygmy.
Look— a white pygmy.
- Well, at least she's got somebody.
- Come on. I-I need a drink.

You're—You're too tall for me.
First a spook, now a midget.
- Two scotch and waters.
- Well, I think I've got that Spatterbox for you.

Did you see one single thing about him
that wasn't awful?

Don't you think he had rather
an intelligent-looking face?

It looked to me like the inside
of a small cantaloupe.

You know, the beauty
about a Spatterbox is this—

- At least she's still not sitting there.
- Oh, Rex?

Now, here's the lad who can really handle
a Spatterbox. Rex Mcintosh.

- Rex, Mr. And Mrs. Hobbs.
- She's back in the chair again!

You are still interested
in the Spatterbox, aren't you?

No, Rog! No!
The poor chap must be drunk.
Little monster.
