No, Karen, no liquids.
Get half a dozen jars of honey
and plenty of candy bars.
We need a big bag of dried beans.
Stop, Rick. No eggs, too hard to store.
Get some canned fruit.
We need some condensed milk,
and a big can of shortening.
- You'll find it on the far shelf.
- Thank you.
I think that about does it.
I need some matches
and two boxes of candles.
Karen, pick up a case of soap.
Why do you need all those candles?
We're thinking of opening
a candlelight restaurant.
And all that soap?
Are your customers going to have to shower
before they eat?
We're just going to the hills
to rough it for a while.
For a while?
For the rest of your lives, looks like.
Maybe. What's the tab?
Mister, I certainly appreciate this.
Along with that money,
let me give you some good advice.
As long as I ain't bound to take it.
Lock up the store, take all the merchandise
you can carry and hide it.
- Why? What for?
- You'll know soon enough.
This is my advice and it's free.
But you can't sell goods if you got them hid.
Now, that's crazy.
I gave you some advice, but like you said,
you ain't bound to take it.
- Anything else?
- Is the hardware store open?
Not yet, but I can hustle him down here.
- Will you call him for me?
- Got a dime?