This is the room, sir.
Please go in.
Thank you.
I am a former retainer
of Lord Masanori Fukushima
of Hiroshima,
Hanshiro Tsugumo by name.
I respectfully beg your favor.
I am senior counselor
of the House of Iyi, Kageyu Saito.
I am much obliged
for this immediate interview.
The purpose of my visit -
I've already been told
of your request.
Rather than live on
in endless poverty,
idly waiting for death,
you wish to end your life in a manner
befitting a samurai, by harakiri.
I believe that was the gist of it?
That is correct.
In these times,
it is a truly admirable resolve.
I can only express the highest esteem.
You mentioned
that you served
the former Lord Fukushima.