Would you like me to tell you
what happened in that case?
I would indeed.
You say you were a retainer
of the former Fukushima Clan in Hiroshima?
That is correct.
I served the former
Lord Masanori Fukushima of Hiroshima.
My name is Motome Chijiiwa.
What is the nature of your visit?
After the fall of my master's house,
I moved here to Edo
and found shelter in a back-alley tenement.
While eking out a meager living,
I sought connections
for employment with a new master.
But try as I might,
we live in times of peace...
and my every effort has been in vain.
So now it seems it's our turn.
How shall we respond?
Let me think.
It's amazing how such foolishness
can take hold.
Blame it on what
the Sengoku Clan did.
Say what you will, that was a mistake.
- I disagree, Yazaki.
That's not necessarily true.
- Why not?
The fellow who went to the Sengoku house
was serious about disemboweling himself.
There was nothing dishonorable
about his intent.
Precisely because
they were touched by his sincerity,
the Sengoku house decided
to take him in as a back-room retainer.
That was good.
They made the right decision in that case.
The problem
is the shameless imitators
who have followed.
They have no intention whatsoever
of performing harakiri,
and just because they're hurting a little
for food and clothing,