
they show up at our gate
to practice their thinly disguised extortion.

We can't very well allow him
to disembowel himself in our gateway.

Our only choice is to follow
the example of other clans:

Give him a little something
and ask him to leave.

That will not do.
If we give him money
and send him away,

he'll soon be followed by others.
One after the other,
like ants drawn to a mound of sugar.
Ever since the Battle of Sekigahara,
Edo has been teeming with ronin -
masterless samurai.

They're like wild dogs
roving about in search of prey.

Think what people will say.
"The House of Iyi has gone soft
like the others.

Everybody thought they had backbone,
so until now, the ronin avoided their gate.

But look what they've done now.
They boast of their martial valor,
but this is a time of peace,
so they're just
living in yesterday's dreams."

Would you have such laughable chatter
spreading all over Edo?
Especially when His Lordship
is away in his domain.

Under no circumstances can we allow
a stain to come upon our lord's name
while he's away.

Giving him money
and asking him to leave -

such lily-livered nonsense
is out of the question.

He hasn't the slightest intention
of killing himself,

yet he speaks of honorable harakiri.
If I may...
