do you wish to wait here
or would you like
to come inside and relax?
The comfort of your residence
might cause my resolve to waver.
My journey into eternity mustn't grow
distasteful. I shall remain here.
You display remarkable discipline.
I can but express my admiration.
If I may, Counselor,
it could be quite tedious for us both
to sit here and wait in silence.
To pass the time,
perhaps you'll allow me to tell you
a little about myself.
About yourself?
The hardscrabble tales of a half-starved
ronin don't amount to much,
but what befalls others today
may be your own fate tomorrow.
Perhaps your retainers
will find some small point or two
worth remembering
among my otherwise
useless ramblings.
"What befalls others today
may be your own fate tomorrow"?
This could be amusing.
I want everyone here
to listen carefully to this man.
The words of one
staring death in the face...
are unlikely to be useless ramblings.
I'm sure we'll all learn something.
That tale you related earlier -