
Motome was a lad of 15,
and my daughter Miho
was an angelic child of 11.

That was 11 years ago.
But when I close my eyes,
their images come back to me vividly,
as if it were only yesterday.

- My turn again.
- Never mind.

All we do all day is count stones
to repair the castle walls.

We won't be needing bows and arrows
for a good long while.

"The world is at peace.
The four seas are calm."

Incidentally, this coming 22nd
is the seventh anniversary
of Nui's passing.

I knew it was coming up,
but is it seven years already?

Yes, and I'm planning
a modest ceremony at my residence.

Don't bring any offerings.
Very well.
I can hardly believe it.
Seven years already.
What never ceases to amaze me
is how a rough warrior like you
has managed to raise Miho all these years
without taking a second wife.
