Come, Jinnai.
Look who's talking.
When your Yuki died,
I wondered how you would ever manage.
But look at you.
You're a perfect example
of the kite begetting a hawk.
Kite begetting a hawk?
You were the widower kite,
doting so on your child
in every aspect of his upbringing,
that lo and behold,
the child grew not into a kite
but a magnificent young hawk.
He certainly keeps growing,
but he's got a long way to go
before you can compare him
to a young hawk soaring freely overhead.
You know,
I never figured either of us would be good
for anything but battlefield laurels,
but we haven't done too bad
at raising children.
Had life gone on like that,
all would have been well.
But it was not to be.
When all is said and done,
our lives are like houses
built on foundations of sand.
One strong wind and all is gone.
How my master's house
with its 498,000-koku domain
was brought to ruin...
I'm sure you already know
even better than I do myself.
Owing to an unreasonable and one-sided
judgment by the Tokugawa shogunate
regarding the repairs
being performed on Hiroshima Castle,
in June of 1619,
my master, Masanori Fukushima,
was ordered into exile at Kawanakajima,
leaving his 12,000 retainers
without any means of livelihood...