Sorpasso, Il

And you?
- Three.

Do you think she's beautiful?
She was just passing by, the girl with that little dog!
Everybody thinks she's beautiful.

She is not the only one.
Where did you sleep?
- In a... pension.

At Assumption? You're lucky!
- Yes, we were lucky.

If you're looking for your friend:
he's over there, standing on his head.

The world is more beautiful like this.
Shall I do it with one hand?
Who are you?
Hey Cleopatra, are you gonna take my picture?
Are you nuts? Don't you recognize me?!
Why do you put on that thing?
Blond looks much better on you.

Still you're chasing brunettes.
- Oh come on, I recognized you straight away!

Give that to me, I'll put you on the picture.
Look that way, don't move!
Now the other side for a moment.
I'll send it to you.
- Yes please.

Where were you hiding?
- I was looking for you.

Hey, young Werther.
Are you joining us on the boat?

Come on.
- No, we have to leave.

Ten minutes, just a little sun.
You're still so pale, you look like a corpse!

Do you need a hand, madam?
Don't waste your time, Bruno!
She's still only fifteen.
