The 300 Spartans

Since when have Spartans started
counting numbers going into battle?

We are but a vanguard. The rest will join us
just as soon as the festival is over.

But what if the Persians
attack you before then?

Then we shall fight alone.
My love.
I know your courage.
I am proud of you.
But there are times when prudence...
I don't know what I am saying.
I only know I cannot live without you.
You must trust me.
I love you more than life itself.
I don't want you to die.
It would be my end, too.
Leonidas, the men are ready.
Agathon, the law allows me to take 300 men.
Dismiss all those with no living sons
and replace them with volunteers who have.

I don't want any Spartan family to die out.
- Phylon!
- Ellas!

- Why are you here?
- Because I love you.

There is nothing to love now.
I've been rejected by my own people.

I have no honour, no country.
- No name, no home. I'm an outcast.
- I, too, am an outcast.

I've left my father's house and I shall not
return unless you come with me.
