The 300 Spartans

to prove her trust in Spartan valour,
does hereby resign her claim
to naval leadership,

and places her ships
under Spartan command.

From this day onward, every Athenian ship
will sail under Spartan orders.

We've done it! We've done it, King Leonidas.
It's going our way. Of course,
we must expect them to argue for a while.

Yes, argue while our house burns.
When people are free to speak their minds,
they generally are more easily handled.

That fool nearly caught me
with that prediction.

I wouldn't care to go through
an ordeal like that again.

Of course, it was throwing in the navy
won the day for us.

Why did you do it?
The Spartans are no sailors.

Thereby your admiral won't know
how to interfere with my running the fleet.

You don't mind, do you?
No. Sparta will do her duty.
She'd better do it fast.
The Persians are moving
like a plague of locusts.

If we attack them here, on the plain
of Thessaly, or their ships on the open sea,

they'll run over us without even noticing.
We must find a position
which cannot be turned.

- What about here?
- The pass of Thermopylae?

It's the best line of defence north of Corinth.
These mountains run across Greece.
The Persians must pass through here.

With a small force, I can hold that narrow
strip of land until the others are ready.

And I can bring the fleet
through the straits above Thermopylae,

protecting your flank.
With your admiral's consent, of course.

This is a splendid plan.
