...pick up any stragglers
they can find.
-Pass the word.
-Right, sir.
All right, men, spread out.
Pick up stragglers you see.
Pass the word down.
All right...
...let's go.
From the latest reports,
this is how I see it:
American paratroopers have landed....
British paratroopers....
The invasion....
Yes. Thank you, Pemsel.
General Pemsel is convinced
that this is the invasion!
I do not agree with him.
This is my conclusion:
Normandy is the objective
of a diversionary attack.
A diversionary attack, Blumentritt.
It's not the main attack. That will
come at the Pas-de-Calais...
...where it was always expected.
Where we always expected it!
But we can't take any chances.
I want the reserve panzers
moved up at once!
We need approval from the
Führer's headquarters.
They wouldn't dare refuse me!
Call the Führer's headquarters
and insist.
lnsist that the panzers be
released to me immediately!
An invasion of Normandy would
be against all military logic.
It would really be against all logic....
Well, that about covers it, gentlemen.