Dearest Mignonette. I have waited for you.
Finally, I have found you.
I have also waited.
Oh, Dennis, I love you dearly.
That's beautiful.
- Kiss me again.
- No, my beloved.
My dear,
I have always loved you.
Me too, dear Dennis,
I love you too.
That was close.
You saved my life, mon ami.
We Frenchmen,
we have a weakness for a pretty woman.
Lodac bewitched you.
Yes. I should have known that such a pretty
creature will not be out this early hour.
But I was robbed of all thought except one.
Lodac knows how a Parisian feels.
Why did you come here?
I don't remember.
- Wait. Mon Dieu.
- What is it?
- Branton.
- What about him?
He's in that mill. I'm sure of it.
I saw his horse. He's still there.