The Magic Sword

The horses want water, too.
- Where the devil is he?
- He must be in here somewhere.

- You mean I was in here, George.
- Branton.

I'm sorry I have to leave you now.
A longstanding appointment
with the Princess Helene.

- And also with my partner, Lodac.
- Partner?

Yes, his castle is just over the hill.
Any last words for either of them?

You won't escape us, Branton.
I already have escaped you, George.
What do we do now?
- We break out. With Ascalon's help.
- Ascalon?

Didn't you know my sword was magic?
It opens floors, walls, gates, anything.

- It was magic.
- Like your horse.

Perhaps Lodac's magic is a bit stronger.
It's no use. You'll only be dulling the blade.
There must be some other way out, Patrick.
