you've been most considerate...
and you've alWays
thought of my Welfare.
That is true.
But in some things,
I must make my oWn decisions.
Of course.
Then I take it you have
made your decision?
I have.
Then let it be
on your oWn head.
Do you, Guy...
take Emily to be your
lawful Wedded Wife...
for better, for Worse,
in sickness and in health...
So long as ye both shall live?
I do.
Do you, Emily, take Guy...
to be your lawful
Wedded husband...
for better, for Worse...
in sickness and in health...
So long as ye both shall live?
I do.
If there be any here
Who knoW just cause...
Why these tWo should
not be joined together...
in holy matrimony...
Iet him speak noW
or forever hold his peace.
The ring, please.
Repeat after me.
With this ring, I thee Wed.
Then I do pronounce you
man and wife.
Champagne, Lady Catherine?
Thank you.
Oh, yes, a beautiful ceremony.
A toast...to the most
beautiful bride...
and the most fortunate
groom Who ever lived.
May they be happy
to the end of their days.
No, Guy. Not in front
of everyone.