I see.
Well, What can be done?
I am not sure.
I'm not sure at all.
HoWever, I do knoW this--
that Guy's mind is like
a keg of gunpoWder...
and the smallest thing
might set the fuse--
the most innocent
reminder of death--
corpses, graves,
anything at all.
That's the first thing
you must remember.
Do you understand?
Yes, I understand.
Oh, Miles, I Wish you could
come and stay With us.
Well, I Was just thinking.
The laboratory doWnstairs.
What about it?
Well, you may knoW that Guy
offered me the use of it...
in order to further
my researches.
If I accepted his offer...
I might be able to come
here from time to time.
Oh, Miles, that Would be
absolutely Wonderful!
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Well, I must go noW,
but I'll be back.
And remember,
the smallest thing.
Don't forget.
I Won't forget.
Dear Emily.
Frog, please, Judson.
Yes, sir.
Your frog, sir.
Oh, put him doWn here, please.
NoW, if We place one terminal
of the galvanic battery...
in contact with the nerve...
and the other
in contact With muscle...
We cause a contraction
of the muscle.
You see?
NoW, if you could
control the responses...
of the human mind
as easily as you control...
the muscles of a frog...
I might have some faith
in your Work.
Someday, We may be able to...
if we continue our research.