and I don't like
being your WidoW, Guy.
And What's more, I'm not
going to be much longer.
No, Guy. I'm here
to give you a choice.
You can have this--
this living death--
or you can have me...
but you can't have both.
Emily, please.
I love you, Guy.
I love you very much...
and I Want
to take care of you...
but as long
as you're here, I can't.
No one can.
I realize that, but...
I'm so afraid.
Oh, you needn't be, my darling.
I promise you.
Look at me.
I promise you that
no matter What happens...
I'll never let them
take you doWn to that...
that horrible crypt.
Trust me to take care of you.
I do trust you, Emily,
but it isn't that.
Guy, if you do choose me...
then you must destroy
this evil vault.
Wipe it off the face
of the earth...
and out of your mind forever!
If you don't...
then I shall never
see you again.
Well, Which is it to be?
Death by yourself...
or life With me?