Hey, Daphne!
Daphne! I don't know where you live.
- Hey, why'd you miss interrogation?
- I've got to get the bus to Cambridge.
I've got a date. If I can find her.
With the English girl?
Well, what do you know?
I'm telling you, Bolland,
she was giving me the eye.
- You got the eyes crossed.
- Don't worry. She's not my type.
- Too intellectual.
- Mail call.
I got it.
For you, Bolland.
Know what I'm gonna have to do?
Write me a letter and have 25 copies
sent to all my girls in the States.
I could get knocked off over here,
and nobody'd ever know.
When were you home last?
Home? You tell me where it is, Bolland.
I'll tell you how long ago it was.
It's from Daphne. She can meet me
at the quad of the King's College.
You two ought to have a ball
in that library with all those books.
Maybe I won't see you until tomorrow.
Sonny's growing up.
Staying overnight, huh?
Maybe. If the library stays open.
So long, Buzz.