All they know about life...
...is what comes out of books.
Listen, you, when you've made a bomb
big enough to kill Rickson...
...come back and blow up the world!
They're bombing quite a way off now.
All right?
I'll never get used to air raids.
You've gone through some bad ones
in London, haven't you?
My father was killed in one.
He left the house one morning,
and that's the last we ever saw of him.
You must hate the Germans.
I hate war and everything about it...
...unlike your friend, Capt. Rickson.
I had a feeling that night at the dance
that you were running away from Buzz.
Perhaps I was.
Most women find him attractive.
He is, in a dangerous sort of way.
Why do we always end up talking
about Buzz?
You started it.
That's right, I did.
I was in love with a man like him once.
At least, I thought it was love
till I found out what he was like.
Don't look at me like that. You must
have had a girl back in the States.
I wasn't exactly in love with her.
Our parents were friends.
We grew up together.
We don't write anymore. She's
probably going out with somebody else.
Like you.