Would you like to be transferred from
Rickson's crew...
...while we put you through
some training?
- Are you giving me a choice, sir?
- Yes.
- I'll stay with my own present crew.
- And Capt. Rickson?
Yes, sir.
Well, that's all, lieutenant.
Well, what's your opinion, doc?
I'd be inclined to grant Rickson's request.
I know both men quite well.
He and Lynch have never hit it off.
We transfer Lt. Lynch
to Capt. Woodman.
Now, what about Rickson?
We never know what stunt he'll pull next.
- Can we afford to have that sort of pilot?
- Can we afford not to have him?
What's your opinion, doc?
Rickson's an example of the fine line that
separates the hero from the psychopath.
Which side of the line
do you place Rickson?
Time will tell.
I suppose we're running a risk...
...but then that's the nature of war.
Did you ever try to score
with a girl in the air?
No. But I tried it underwater once.
And I nearly drowned.
Louie Baker and I sneaked a plane out
one night.
We had two girls. Took them up, put on
the automatic pilot and... Whammo!
Six ball in the corner.
Hi, Bo.
Would've liked to have seen Emmet's
face when we buzzed his window.
Bet I don't go on any more paper raids.
Eh, Bolland?
Emmet's out to nail me. I can fly circles
around him, and he knows it.
Why did you tell him that stuff
about Lynch?
So that's why they wanted to see you.