ls that what you want to believe?
Don't taunt me, Anne. Not you.
A stone fell from the battlement.
lt almost killed me.
Can you really believe
that a ghost could hurt you?
lt was an accident.
Clarence said that l would die violently
by the hands of a dead man.
A king makes his own destiny.
And you shall be king.
l will be king.
- You will be queen.
- Go then.
Pay your respects to Edward.
My oldest son is no more.
l bore him.
He fulfilled his promise and he died.
The dreams of Clarence died with him.
For him, nothing was fulfilled.
Yes, there was.
He knew your love, Mother.
Because he was capable
of loving in return.
And you think l am not?
You think my affection
is as warped as my back?
Do not keep Edward waiting.
Goodbye, my brother.
l envy you your peace.