Tower of London

Blood on his forehead!
See? There.
l see nothing.
What did appear, Richard?
Blood from your kiss?

- The mark of Cain?
- Blood? What blood?

lf there's no blood, then l do not
see it either. A shadow, perhaps.

One brother dies. One is murdered.
How did Clarence die?
As Cain slew Abel?
l brought this curse upon our house
when my womb conceived you.
Better l should have died in my labor
and never unleashed
your evil upon this earth.

You talk of evil?
You who gave me deformity
in a twisted spine and a withered arm?
Who possesses the greater evil?
You who made me this way,
or l who have to bear it?

You seek a word
of understanding, Richard?

The word, perhaps, is truth.
Clarence, let me be.
You will find that truth...
